An account is considered verified once a photo ID and Compliance Record Holder (2257) information have been supplied. Only verified accounts may upload explicit pictures or videos, or open a store.
Any user may upload the required information by editing their preferences. All documents are transmitted securely, and once verified, they are removed from the internet and stored offline and encrypted. We can only accept government-issued photo ID's such as a driver's license or passport.
Please interact with users at your own risk, regardless of their verification status. Our verification system and the green tick do not denote endorsement, nor do they guarantee that the verified entity is the one actively using the account. We take all reasonable measures to keep bad people off of this site, but there is no substitute for being careful with anyone you interact with and doing your own due diligence before doing any business. We are not officially affiliated with any user and are not responsible for the outcome of any interaction facilitated here. Users' verification documents are not shared with or authenticated through any 3rd party service.
The purpose of collecting ID's is that they must be in our file in case we are presented with a challenge to your age by our biller or government authority. In that case, you will first be contacted with a full explanation as to what is going on. This information will be kept on-file indefinitely while you are here, and for those who leave, we do a periodic purge of unneeded photo ID's and other sensitive information after a reasonable grace period. You may request that we destroy all copies of your submitted documents at any time.
While we do not require you to submit photo ID's of your models and crew, you are required to maintain them, as well as signed model release forms, for your own records. We advise you to expect the possibility of new laws being introduced in the future that would require you to send us to model ID information, but we do not require that at this time.
Starting in October 2021, the credit card companies started requiring that all users uploading new explicit content have to become verified. We must manually review everything and delete any explicit content uploaded by non-verified users. Until approved, new content will be temporarily hidden or replaced with a placeholder icon. Any user can get verified by editing their profile and filling out the Compliance Record Keeper and Photo ID sections. "Explicit" is currently defined as anything containing sex, masturbation, nudity, hard-ons, toplessness (nipples showing regardless of gender), or suggestive touching.
Our biller has an anti-fraud system that is a bit hyperactive. Even if you're legit, your purchase may be blocked due to some unknown red flag. Due to strict privacy terms, we are not given any information about payment declines, but you may contact our biller directly at